“Things you should pay attention to: the sound of the wind through the trees when the leaves are changing, peoples’ smiles when they’re smiling at you, the sound of the guitar strings in the acoustic cover of your favorite song, how tight he holds you and for how long. Don’t change to keep around the people who don’t.” Be yourself and you’ll attract the people that appreciate you. Stop trying to censor yourself and stop feeling bad for being happier than other people and stop apologizing for the decisions you make in your own life and stop trying to cater to people who aren’t putting the same effort in. Anyone who is jealous of other people for finding happiness in random places or having too much fun is not the kind of energy you should have around you. I make my own happy everywhere and anywhere and how that makes other people feel is their business, not mine. Hate me for it, it doesn’t make me less happy. Or maybe I know I talk to too many boys but it makes me happy and what gives you a right to comment on or have an opinion about it? Yes, I have a ball on the weekends and after work and sometimes in the middle of the day on a random Tuesday. Maybe you think I talk to too many boys, but I don’t think that. Your body is nobody else’s property, your decisions are nobody else’s business, and your actions are nobody else’s responsibility.

No one’s unsolicited opinions on your life matter or should affect you at all. “You know what matters? Not what your real friends think, not what the people that used to be your friends think, and certainly not what strangers think.